OSP understands that keeping up with healthcare compliance can be a challenging and tedious task. We have taken the guesswork out and created a robust compliance program for your oral surgery practice. Our compliance specialists offer a highly comprehensive and customizable program.

Our compliance program consists of internal auditing and monitoring systems to help identify compliance risks in your practice. Our internal policies and procedures are put into place to comply with State and federal laws, rules, and regulations to uphold your practice’s reputation. Our compliance professionals examine the rules set forth by government bodies, maintains the compliance program, and implement an easy-to-follow, streamlined process for your practice. Our compliance program outlines guidelines and best practices that ensure your practice stays up to date on all relevant laws and regulations.

Enjoy the Benefits of Partnership

Your staff shouldn’t be dependent on you for all the answers. Doctors who partner with OSP spend their days doing the work they love—not paperwork.

Does that sound like something that would make your life better?

Get back to what you love about your job.

You’ve spent hours perfecting the art and science of oral surgery. When you get to do it, you do it well.

Now, you can spend more time on the craft you’ve worked so hard to master. You can help more people smile. If you’re ready to do all of that for your practice, let’s have a conversation.